Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Makeup Job!

Hello! Tyler and I took a small Holiday hiatus, but we are back and will now continue posting every week like normal! I wanted to start with some exciting news, I got a job as a Bobbi Brown Makeup Artist! I'm super excited to share new things that I learn as I go, and to give you guys some info about the line! I've been working for them for about 6 weeks now and I LOVE it! Bobbi's line is so wearable and fun. What I love is what her brand stands for. Bobbi is all about enhancing women's natural beauty, period. She wants to empower women by helping them to look their best while staying true to themselves. She truly cares about her customers as well as her artists. I have only good things to say about my experience thus far.

What's even more exciting is that not only does she have an outstanding makeup line, but her skincare line is top notch as well! I love how much she stresses the importance of proper skincare, and thats where we are trained to start with each client. Too many makeup lines don't stress enough the importance of properly prepping the skin before makeup application, its ESSENTIAL.

I'll start trying to do weekly posts, all about makeup of course!! I will definitely be talking about Bobbi Brown but I am also going to talk about other brands, methods, and products as well. As much as I love Bobbi, I love so many other brands as well!! Hope you are having a great week and I look forward to what 2014 has to bring!

XO Amanda

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