Often times you can tell a lot about a person based on their clothes, hair, and makeup. It can reveal subcultures people identify with (hipsters, gang members, etc.), moral values (conservative vs. nonconservative), pride in appearance, and where they draw inspiration from. Many people's styles are subconscious collaborations of items randomly selected to go together, while others take great time and care to create a cohesive "look".
The way a person shops can also tell you a great deal about them. Would they rather buy 10 items for $100 or one quality item for $80? In addition, does the person try everything on and make sure each piece is tailored correctly, or do they just buy things on a whim? All of these factor into the person's personality and lifestyle.
Great style is the best way to make any first impression a positive one. When you look good you feel good and that positive energy will carry through the way you walk and send energy off to others.
These next few weeks I am going to interview a few people whose personalities shine through their style and hopefully inspire those looking how to share their point of view.
XO Tyler
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